- What is High Roller Technologies, Inc.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the NYSE American under the symbol ROLR.
- When was High Roller Technologies, Inc. incorporated?
High Roller Technologies, Inc. was incorporated in Delaware in December 2021.
- When did High Roller Technologies, Inc. become a public company?
October 2024
- Where is High Roller Technologies, Inc. located?
400 South 4th Street, Suite 500-#390
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101- When is High Roller Technologies, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
December 31st
- Who is High Roller Technologies, Inc.'s transfer agent?
Vstock Transfer LLC
- Who is High Roller Technologies, Inc.'s independent auditor?
Withum Smith+Brown, PC
- Who is High Roller Technologies, Inc.'s outside legal counsel?
Law Offices of Aaron A. Grunfeld & Associates